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A new entrepreneur recently started her exchange in Spain thanks to EYE

A new entrepreneur recently started her exchange in Spain thanks to EYE

22 Aprile 2022

Maria Noel Balla started her relationship with a Host entrepreneur in Spain. She is from Argentina and last year she moved to Turin  for work reasons. Let's listen to her experience directly: I have had a dream since I was very young, I have always wanted to live in Europe. I came here on a visit more than fifteen years ago, to study in Basque country. My experience was great but for many things in life I couldn’t come again.
The pandemic and other stuff made me realize that the time was passing by so I made a decision to live the life I wanted. 
I didn't know about the ERASMUS FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS program and a friend told me that I should read about it because maybe it will help me with my idea of creating an educational consulting in the North of Spain. I started to read about it and I decided to apply: From Italy to Cantabria, Spain, My IO EYE Codex with Rosalba helped me in all the process, step by step. I’m working now with this NGO which has a lot of projects with different NGO all over Europe. They have the same interests as I have, education, environment, yoga and personal development in connection with nature and eco-friendly.
I’m learning a lot and I’m very happy. I really want to express my deep gratitude to ERASMUS FOR YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS for this enriching opportunity.

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